Forward by Patrick Butler

Trust me, you’re on the doorstep to a great discovery. Your kids are going to love you for this, and even better, they’re going to love the Bible!

I’ve never seen the enthusiasm and near rabid commitment I’ve witnessed by those who have used the Judah Bible Curriculum in their homes and schools. That enthusiasm took me by complete surprise when I first encountered it, almost by accident, in Seattle in the early 1990’s. Who can imagine anyone being totally in love with a Bible curriculum? I couldn’t. I can tell you now, after looking these people in the eyes, who is — those parents and teachers who are completely focused on the revolutionary vision of raising the next generation of thinking, discerning leaders who can apply Biblical principles with confidence and understanding, and have the ability to lead themselves under God. They want strong, committed thinkers and leaders, not weak, compliant children who can be overcome by the society they live in. I met those Christian revolutionaries in Seattle when I went to see my friend Bill Burtness speak at a large Christian school where they were about to use the curriculum for the first time. Observing the teaching sessions, I quickly realized that these educators were the ones who could instantly see the material for what it was – a breakthrough curriculum that turned the notion of how to learn the Bible upside down. Rather than rote learning, memorization, and timed drills, the learning of principles and concepts — in short, nothing boring!

The Judah Bible Curriculum leads you in studying the Bible itself, in its most exciting and thought-provoking form. Though I love Bill’s teachings myself, I can’t top the endorsement of a homeschool mom I met that evening in Seattle who had traveled 70 miles round trip in the cold Northwest rain to get a copy of the curriculum. When I asked her why she went to so much trouble just to get the instruction manual, she paused, then looked me in the eye and said, “Well, it’s the not the best curriculum of it’s kind….its the ONLY curriculum of its kind.”

That’s enough said. You’ve actually found that rare commodity; something completely different! Read it and use it. You be glad you did.

Patrick Butler
Religion Editor, Tyler Morning Telegraph
Tyler, Texas