Click: What resource do you use to teach your students Christian Self-government?
Philosophy of Government
Announcement! Hot off the presses!
New Book by Bill Burtness
The Third Alternative: Christian Self-government
Freedom without Anarchy
Order without Tyranny
Peace and Prosperity
As Biblical Christians we know that the Bible is God’s sourcebook for all of life. Just what does the Bible say about government, and specifically what are the Biblical principles involved in civil government? Is the individual the servant of the state or is the state the servant of the individual? Is civil government a man-made institution, or is it a God-given institution with proper functions and boundaries? What are they and how are they safeguarded? Whose job is it to govern the government?
The Third Alternative: Christian Self-government is a new resource designed to give you the Biblical foundations from which to answer these questions. It includes an overview analysis from Genesis to Revelation, and from Pentecost to the present. It is a supplement to the Judah Bible Curriculum. It adds basic application in self-government, family, church and civil government, economics and education. It is written in simple terms to build a Scriptural framework of principles and concepts for thinking about and analyzing the issues of the day. Since our unique American civil structure assumes these things, it is imperative that both we and our children know these principles and concepts and implement them personally.
The Third Alternative: Christian Self-government is excellent for study in Sunday School classes and Bible study groups, and for upper level government and civics classes, and Bible classes.
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Sincerely in Christ,
Bill Burtness
Author Judah Bible Curriculum